Children should always be encouraged to help themselves according to their own capabilities. When children feel empowered to make decisions and problem solve, they begin to take responsibility for their own learning.
Every child learns differently. Acknowledging each child's unique character and learning style, allows for differentiation and equal access to all learning opportunities.
We are an inclusive community that celebrates diversity. Mutual respect and awareness are key elements in constructing a community of learners and ultimately global citizens.
In order to provide an excellent learning environment, teachers, parents, and children must work together as collaborators. Children should also be aware of their surrounding environment and encouraged to find ways to work together with community members.
Through exploration and discovery children are able to form original ideas, encouraging them to think and problem solve. When children are allowed to make mistakes, they then have the freedom to invent, create, and find new ways to do things. It is important to encourage creativity in all areas of learning.