Designed by experts, The Play With Purpose Curriculum is strategically curated to encourage children to learn through a play-based and child-centered approach, amplifying brain development in children 1.5-5 years old (18-60 months). With intentional planning of purposeful play experiences, children are engaged in dynamic learning adventures in a high-quality learning environment. Based on global, international learning standards, our curriculum is broken down into four stages of learning an organized into six learning strands: social and emotional, language and literacy, math and cognition, creative development, physical development, and cultural awareness.
The Play With Purpose Curriculum is based on eight learning principles that drive the curriculum, learning experiences, teaching practices and the environment. The eight learning principles are: creative thinking, communication, risk taking, collaboration, curiosity and exploration, decision making, innovation, and community building. These principles for learning guide every aspect of a child's experience by reflecting the current theories regarding intelligence and learning in early childhood development.
Six developmental learning stands are inter-weaved throughout The Play With Purpose Curriculum. Each strand identifies a different area of learning and development essential to the holistic development of a young child. The six developmental learning strands are: social and emotional development, math and cognition, language and literacy, creative development, physical development, and cultural awareness. The learning strands endeavor to assist every child in achieving understanding, mastery, and success in each area of learning and development.
Social and Emotional Development focuses on activities for children that encourage them to develop self-confidence and self-awareness, manage their feelings and behavior and form deep relationships with their teachers and peers.
The foundation for Literacy begins with oral language. We provide language oriented activities to build strong grounds for language acquisition. As the children develop their language skills, they will be introduced to activities that will further develop their early literacy skills (reading and writing).
The environment, daily routines and everyday activities allow children to begin developing mathematical awareness at an early age. Our programs and environment enable children to explore and discuss shapes, size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money, as well as, count, compare, relate, identify patterns and problem solve.
Our school is fully equipped with resources that allow children to run, skip, jump, climb, balance, and throw, catch, hit and kick a ball (gross motor skills). Children develop their fine motor skills through activities such as: using utensils, writing, drawing, coloring, painting, building with blocks and manipulating clay. Children are reminded of healthy habits and keeping fit.
Our programs strongly emphasize the importance of creativity and the imagination. The environment encourages children to explore and experiment with music and dance and a variety of art materials ranging in media, color, design, and texture. In all areas of learning, children are encouraged to think in original ways helping to develop their problem solving and critical thinking skills.
Our curriculum highlights and acknowledges the importance of diversity. In all areas of learning, children are encouraged to relate their experience at school to their knowledge and understanding of their culture in regards to language, religion, traditions, food, etc. Children are taught ti acknowledge, recognize and respect difference.