At KCIP, our teachers are highly-qualified, hold a degree/diploma in education and have experience teaching in international settings. Additionally, we provide on-going professional development to ensure all our teachers are well-versed in the most current practices, research, and techniques in early childhood development and education.
At KCIP, we believe that our children deserve the opportunity to experience their childhood. KCIP is proud to represent children from over 38 different countries. Each child brings his or her own unique world and experiences to us each day. The individual needs, interests and cultural values of each child are important and critical to the learning experiences of children.
Teaching is not about telling children what to do or showing them the 'right' way to do things. Teaching is more than just a skill. It is the art of providing young children with a unique and beautiful environment conducive to actual exploration and discovery. At KCIP, we highly value our learning environment. We believe the learning environment is actually the "third teacher".
Research indicates that what happens in the early years is the foundation for the long term success of a child.